These stylish Prada Velvet Cahier handbags will brighten up your mood
Although they may seem extravagant, the bags from new collection Prada Velvet Cahier, are by far some of the most classic accessories.
The collection is specially designed to elevate your own attire to a new level in a fashion sense. Therefore, a girl is guaranteed to be noticed when she appears with one of these Prada velvet bags.
The new collection of signature handbags from the famous Italian brand is inspired by the Cahier style. The bags are made using the elegant special technique Trompe l’oeil.
It is an artistic technique that uses realistic images to create an optical illusion, and the objects shown appear three-dimensional. The forced perspective is similar to the illusion in architecture.
It was often applied in murals, and originates in the Baroque period. The portfolios will surely be a success, and they come in fantastic color combinations.

Prada velvet bag in light blue – $4,200

Prada velvet bag in camel – $2,680

Prada velvet bag in light blue – $4,200

Prada velvet bag in black – $2,680

Prada velvet bag in fuchsia – $2,680

Prada velvet bag in black – $2,680

Prada velvet bag in fuchsia – $2,680